
Showing posts from March, 2021

Exercises for Diabetics patients

  Here are some useful aerobic  exercises : Walking for 30–60 minutes, three times per week is a great and easy way to increase  physical  activity. Participating in a low-impact aerobics class is also very important. Swimming helps to stretch and relax muscles. Physical therapists help people with diabetes take part in safe, effective exercise programs. This can help lower your blood sugar levels. Your physical therapist can help you improve your ability to move, perform daily activities, and reduce pain. 10 Exercises for Diabetes: Walking, Yoga, Swimming, and More Walking Cycling Swimming Team sports Aerobic dance Weightlifting Resistance band exercises Calisthenics                For more information and live sessions join insta profile dr_summaiya_sajjad

Hydrotherapy or Aquatic therapy

People use hydrotherapy to treat many illness and conditions such as   acne, arthritis, colds, depression, headache, stomach problems, joint pain, muscle spasm, nerve problems, sleep disorders and stress Hydrotherapy (Aquatherapy) is any activity performed in water to assist in rehabilitation and recovery from eg.hard training or serious injury.It is a form of exercise in warm water and is a popular treatment for patients with neurologic and musculoskeletal conditions. The goals of this therapy are muscle relaxation, improving joint motion and reducing pain. This therapy is been used for thousands of years. Physiotherapists are often involved in hydrotherapy in a rehabilitation setting. Client satisfaction and adherence to this form of exercise are often high. The therapeutic effects are often enhanced by the social setting of the sessions. Hygiene and infection control needs to be closely monitored. Physical properties of water In common with other forms of matter, water has certa...

Physiotherapy safe during pregnancy?

Physiotherapy is perfectly safe during pregnancy, specially early phase of pregnancy And can be effective way of keeping ypur pregnancy aches and pains to minimum. It can also improve your mobility making for much smoother pregnancy and labor. What is Antenatal Physiotherapy? Antenatal exercises aim at improving the physical and psychological well-being of an expected mother for labor and preventing pregnancy-induced pathologies by various physical means. It generally includes low impact aerobic exercises and stretching exercises. During the first trimester, pregnancy brings certain changes in the body for eg; morning sickness, fatigue or low energy levels, nausea and increased secretion of the relaxin hormone. Exercises helps to overcome these changes and improves the mood and energy levels as well. Healthy pregnant women should exercise for at least 150 min per week or 20-30 min everyday in moderate to vigorous aerobic intensity. Antenatal Exercises Antenatal exercises aim at improvi...


  Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It can also help to reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care. When is physiotherapy used? Physiotherapy can be helpful for people of all ages with a wide range of health conditions, including problems affecting the: bones, joints and soft tissue  – such as  back pain ,  neck pain ,  shoulder pain  and  sports injuries brain or nervous system  – such as movement problems resulting from a  stroke ,  multiple sclerosis (MS)  or  Parkinson's disease heart and circulation  – such as rehabilitation after a  heart attack lungs and breathing  – such as  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)  and  cystic fibrosis Physiotherapy c...


  The SI joint can become painful when the ligaments become too lose or too tight. This can occur as the result of a fall,work injury,car aciident,pregnancy and child birth or hip/spine surgery (Laminectomy,lumbar fusion). Sarcoliac joint pain can occur  when movement in the pelvis is not the same on both sides. TAIL BONE PAIN- Pain that occurs in or around the bony structure at the bottom of the spine (coccyx) can be caused by trauma to the coccyx during a fall, prolonged sitting on a hard or narrow space,degenerative joint changes, or vaginal child birth. While there is no instant cure for tail bone pain,soe exercises and stretches can help relieve the pressue that cause tail bone pain. Various yoga poses can be wonderful for stretching out the muscles nad ligaments connected to the Tail bone. Pregnant women with Tailbone pain can also benefit from strecthing.         for more info and live ssions visit insta profile


  WHAT CAUSES LUMBAR SPINE PAIN? Common causes of low back pain (LUMBAR BACKACHE) include lumbar sprains, nerve irritation, lumbar radioculopathy,bony encroachment and conditions of the bone and joints. The lumbar plexus in the human arises from T12,L1,L2,L3 AND L4 spinal nerves. The main nerves formed by the plexus are the femoral nerve, the obturator nerve, and the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve part of the L4 root joins with L5 to form the lumbosacral trunk, which then joins the sacral plexus.         for more information and live session visit insta profile


  Thoracic spine is the second segment of the vertebral clumn,located between the cervical and lumbar vertebral segemnts. It consists of 12 vertebrae, which are seperated by intervertebral discs. Along with the sternum and ribs, the thoracic spine forms part of the thoracic cage. It has 12 nerve roots (T1 to T2) on each side of the spine that branch from the spinal cord and control motor and sensory signals mostly for the upper back,chest,and abdomen.The thoracic spine (highlighted) spans the upper bsck and mid-back. EMERGENCY SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS:- Extreme back pain or pressure in your neck,head or back. Weakness, incoordination or paralysis in any part of your body. numbnes, tingling or loss of sensation in your Hands,fingers,feet or toes. loss of bladder or bowel control. Difficulty with balance and walking.          FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT INSTA PROFILE


  Cervical is the most superior portion of the vertberal column. Lying between the cranium and the thoracic vertebrae. It consists of seven distinct vertebrae, two of which are given unique names: the first vertebrae (C1) is known as the atlas. The second vertebrae (C2) is known as the axis. In the cervical spine, there are eight pairs of spinal nerves labelled C1 to C8 which innervate the neck,shoulder,arm,hand & more.... HOW TO EASE NECK PAIN AT HOME:- SYMPTOMS OF PINCHED NERVE IN THE NECK INCLUDE: FOR MORE INFORMATION OR LIVE SESSION VISIT INSTA PROFILE DR_SUMMAIYA_SAJJAD


  Frozen shoulder  is a condition that affects your  shoulder  joint. It usually involves pain and stiffness that develops gradually, gets worse and then finally goes away. This can take anywhere from a year to 3 years. Your  shoulder  is made up of three bones that form a ball-and-socket joint. Symptoms:  Joint stiffness. Sit or stand. Use your good arm to lift your affected arm at the elbow, and bring it up and across your body, exerting gentle pressure to stretch the  shoulder . Hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds. THIS USUALLY CALLED SELF STRECTHICING WHICH WILL BE SHOWN BELOW FOR STARTERS. FOR MORE INFORMATION OR LIVE SESSION VISIT INSTA PROFILE  DR_SUMMAIYA_SAJJAD


  KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS :- Knee osteoarthritis  is the wear-and-tear damage to articular cartilage.  Osteoarthritis  is the most common form of arthritis, and the knee is one of the most common sites of osteoarthritis.  Cases of knee osteoarthritis have doubled  since the mid-20 th  century. Over time, the cartilage that wraps the ends of bones breaks down due to osteoarthritis. Eventually the articular cartilage will wear away entirely, leaving bones to grind painfully against each other. MENISCUS TEAR:- The menisci are crescent-shaped pads of cartilage that act as the knee’s shock absorbers and secondary stabilizers. These tissues can become  frayed and torn  due to age, weight or injury. Tears can be painful and cause a feeling of instability in the knee. A lack of blood supply to most of the meniscus make tears difficult or impossible to heal on their own. ACL TEAR:- The ACL is the most often damaged ligament in the knee. It is responsibl...


When a Dry needling practitioner assesses an area,they identify special muscular areas known as myofascial trigger points. When stimulated with a needle, these point cause a local twitch response, which activated andogenous opoids, which then counteract pain. it was mainly called chinese medicine. According to latest research it is used by many physical therapist for releasing pain triggert points specially FIBROMYLGIA. It is safe and non pain procedure which has quick recovery and good response from patients. What is dry needling and why use it?   Dry needling treats muscle tissues, and it's goal is to reduce pain, inactive Trigger points and restore functions. It rarely is a standalone procedure, it is often a physical therapy approach incorporating other traditional physical therapy interventions into treatment. ACUPUNCTURE:- Both Dry needling and acupuncture is inserting needle into body but the difference is in between them is Acupuncture is inserted into points along meridian...

Geriatic Physiotherapist

  Due to the ageing effect on the health status of older adults and their disease pattern of presentation, it is advisable that   physiotherapy   in older adults should be trained in musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular assessment and management of older adults .